Have you ever been asked to describe yourself (i.e., who are you, or who am I, etc.)? The 1st House is the house of the self and identity in its basic form, and the foundation for answering these types of questions.

The 1st House of the is the house that deals with the conscious self and the development of our basic identities. It creates the spark between how we feel, what we think about, and how we act/react to the world around us. This house is part of our consciousness, and comes to be after ascending from the darkness of the womb into the lightness of being.

At any time in our lives that a new beginning is afoot, the 1st house embodies the qualities we possess to handle new beginnings and the excitement and challenges a new beginning is sure to bring. It is the place where birth occurred and the planetary pattern was captured within us for future use.

We inherit looks, abilities/talents, a temperament, characteristics, and a personality as we make our way into the 1st of the 12 houses of the Zodiac. This house provides us with the context by which we learn to embrace change and new beginning, and who we instinctively know ourselves to be before we are molded by our environments, relationships, beliefs, and educations. Furthermore, the 1st house encompasses how others see us and how we show up.

Ascendant (Rising Sign) in the Zodiac

Many people do not believe in Astrology because they don’t identify with their sun sign (the sign that encompasses their birth date). If you were born as an Aries, you often hear words like competitive, assertive, action-oriented, etc., and if you are none of these things, this doesn’t mean astrology has it wrong. Perhaps the 12 houses of astrology has more insight into who you are then your sun sign. That being said, the 1st House is the house of your Ascendant or Rising Sign, the zodiac sign that tells you more about your basic identity and who you are before society, environment, parenting, socializing, and other factors mold you.

What does this mean?

If you have ever had a birth chart reading (natal chart reading), you may have been told your Ascendant (rising sign). Let’s say you are born August 2nd, making you a Leo, but your birth chart shows you have a rising sign of Scorpio; then this would mean Scorpio is in your 1st House of Self & Identity. Rather than displaying only Leo qualities in your appearance, talents, temperament, characteristics, and personality; you will have a combination of Leo and Scorpio. You may even embody more of the qualities associated with Scorpio in your Self & Identity, and, thus, why you struggle to connect with your sun sign.

Astrology is similar to categorization in psychology and medicine, but one fundamental difference in astrology is that it is fluid and takes into account the astrological patterns that exist on a full birth chart. While you may be born to one zodiac sign, your houses may embody the elements of other zodiac signs, and therefore no two people are exactly the same.

Rising Sign Descriptions

Below is a list of Rising Signs with generic descriptions that may be positioned in your 1st House. If you would like to learn more about how your rising sign relates to all the other signs and planetary positions in your chart, a birth chart reading will offer an incredible wealth of personalized information.

Aries Rising

If your rising sign is Aries, you are likely brave, courageous, and bold. You likely love to take initiative, and get things done, and others may see you as a fierce and determined warrior. With Aries rising, you are likely to be an entrepreneurial spirit who is driven, a hard-worker, and seen as a leader.

Aries Rising Traits

Action- and change-oriented, assertive, ambitious, playful, energetic, competitive, and spirited

Taurus Rising

If your rising sign is Taurus, you are likely methodical and steady, but persistent in pursuit of your desires. Your energy is likely calming and stabilizing, making you valuable to those around you. You likely have exceptional taste for the finer things in life, and see like through the creative lens of artistry. You are likely to be innovative, persistent, and one-of-a-kind.

Taurus Rising Traits

Stable, luxury, methodical, value and belief driven, aesthetic, and easy-going

Gemini Rising

If your rising sign is Gemini, you are likely open-minded, trendy, and fluid. You likely appreciate and seek out new experiences to incorporate into your life, and you probably enjoy the possibilities of the world around you. It is also likely that you enjoy connecting and sharing ideas with others in a collaborative way.

Gemini Rising Traits

Light-hearted, curious, investigative, crafty, fluid, knowledge-seeking, and sociable.

Cancer Rising

If your rising sign is Cancer, you are likely to be both intuitive and emotionality. You are likely strong, high-achieving, ambitious, and have a number of great leadership qualities. You may be at times impulsive and stubborn, but you don’t like authority-figures, and find your comfort in being the leader.

Cancer Rising Traits

Sensitive, warm, welcoming, emotional, safety-seeking, sensible, and accepting.

Leo Rising

If your rising sign is Leo, you are likely a regal and magnetic energy that attracts others. You likely have a high regard for yourself, and carry yourself with dignity and purpose, as if you have it all together. It is likely that you are full of pride in your creative endeavors and show your creativeness in your home, your relationships with others, and in your work. It is likely that your dynamic light shines brightest in artistic careers and business owning. Your are probably seeking to be recognized through a high status, and you will pursue this till your last breath, and you will never be associated with anything average. You are likely the top-shelf, extraordinary type, and royalty is in your veins.

Leo Rising Traits

Proud, outgoing, majestic, royalty, generous, attention-seeking, principled, and authentic.

Virgo Rising

If your rising sign is Virgo, you are likely deep and intellectual. You are probably excellent at communicating, highly intelligent, and extremely skilled at many things. You are likely the type of person who craves connections that nearly merge from the soul, and you view soul-connections as valuable and intriguing to your life journey. You are likely hungry for challenge, and great at multitasking, and you may find that you are a communication superstar.

Virgo Rising Traits

Thought-leader, creative problem-solver, intelligent, analytical, strive for effectiveness, and multi-talented.

Libra Rising

If your rising sign is Libra, you are likely a very likable person who seeks balance and avoids conflicts. You are likely the type of person who gets along with nearly everyone, and find it easy and comfortable to communicate with others. You are likely fashionable, drawn to luxury, and charming. You may be the type of person to surround yourself for lively, motivated, passionate, and maybe impulsive individuals to help balance you out, and you are likely the harmonious, peacekeeper who can cool down tense and uncomfortable situations.

Libra Rising Traits

Pleasant, fashion-forward, balance-seeking, conflict-adverse, sociable, and charming.

Scorpio Rising

If your rising sign is Scorpio, you are likely mysterious, yet enchanting, with a dash of intensity. You are likely alluring and a puzzle to others that they can’t help trying to understand. You are likely the kind of person who enters a room, and commands a strong, yet quiet presence. You are likely drawn to people who feel like home, and bring out your desire for closeness. You are likely motivated by validation from peers and the world around you, and you are seen as competent and bright amongst your peers.

Scorpio Rising Traits

Mysterious, attractive, self-control seeking, instinctual, and alluring

Sagittarius Rising

If your rising sign is Sagittarius, you are likely to be knowledgable and experienced, and you seek knowledge and experience throughout your journey. You likely love to learn, and seek out opportunities to learn as often as possible. You may be drawn to people who are great at communicating and listening, and you yearn for experiences that bring wisdom and adventure into your life.

Sagittarius Rising Traits

Philosophical, experience-seeking, cheerful, worldly, adventurous, and open-minded

Capricorn Rising

If your rising sign is Capricorn, you are likely a powerful presence, full of wisdom and cunning. You likely follow the rules carefully and mindfully, but if the rules are impossible or unjust, you are the first to rebel and rebuke the rules. You are most likely seen as dependable, powerful, intelligent, and have many incredible talents hidden under your reserved shell.

Capricorn Rising Traits

Ambitious, organized, masterful, business-focused, rational, level-headed, and strategic

Aquarius Rising

If your rising sign is Aquarius, you are likely intellectual, socially outgoing, and down-to-earth. It is also likely that you think a lot about everything from interactions with others to how you look, feel and whether others are happy with you. You prefer to be around open-minded and easy-going people, and you especially enjoy socially out-going people who seize the center of attention, as long as they are kind and generous. You likely have laser-focus when you are working on a goal, and you will not leave a project uncompleted.

Aquarius Rising Traits

Open, one-of-a-kind, knowledge- and improvement seeking, unbiased, opinionated, and compassionate.

Pisces Rising

If your rising sign is Pisces, you are likely a idealistic and progressive in your relationships with others. You are a likely very loving and work hard to create connections that foster the generation of new ideas, sharing of thoughts and beliefs, as well as the sharing of emotions. You likely have a dreamy nature with an incredible amount of intelligence. You may be very grounded and realistic in order to stay rooted in the present, rather than carried away on the subconscious dream-state that is characteristic of Pisces. You are a light in the world, bringing positive energy to your surroundings, and you are amply appreciated for your worldly wisdom and your talent for thriving.

Pisces Rising Traits

Creative, spiritual, imaginative, dreamy, visionary, intuitive, and inclusion.